Feature list Dorm Inspector

Dorm Inspector App Floor Inspector App
The App Dorm Inspector App Floor Inspector App
Works offline i 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
App available in multiple languages i 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Synchronization & backup i 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Android & iOS support (smartphones) 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Android & iOS support (tablets) 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Performing student housing inspections Dorm Inspector App Floor Inspector App
Access all areas 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Unit inspections 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Perform Move-in & Out's 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Perform Check-up's 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Access per user limited to 1 floor and 1 building 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Perform inspections on common areas 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Perform Health, safety & Security Checks 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Receive a handy list of upcoming inspections 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Create issues (damages) 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Assign perons responsible for damages 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Create & assign work orders 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Assign issues to teams 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Assign cost of damages (pricing tables) 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Take unlimited pictures per area, issue,... 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Access resident information (in-app) 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
E-mail resident 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Handle residential life issues & fines 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Register fines & warnings 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Register contracts 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Manage building structure 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
In-App signatures 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Automatically send reports 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Manager Dorm Floor
Access to the Manager i 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Multi-user i 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Manage your buildings 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Set notification settings 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Manage default rent periods 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Manage default fines & charges 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Edit default mail templates & clauses 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
User management 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Role- & access management 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Manage resident information (students & tenants) 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Contract & room availability management 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Create new contracts 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Tenancy Booking tools 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Define & manage intervention teams 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Issue description & processing 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Assign issues to teams 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Maintenance-overview 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Manage Maintenance Work orders 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Follow-up on maintenance status 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
API Access 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Export & Import data (contract, fines & issues) 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
E-mail logs 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Reports Dorm Floor
Digital PDF reports i 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Personalized styling & lay-out 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Support Dorm Floor
Online support 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Dedicated account manager 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Hotline support i 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Billing & Pricing Dorm Floor
Subscription 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Price per App user (per year) $60 $30
Price per bed (per year) $5 $5
Price per organization (per year) $600 $600

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Please note: in Belgium and Luxembourg the Rental Inspector is only available to social housing companies, governments and organizations that own property. It cannot be sold to real estate agents, surveyors and other real estate experts.

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