Liste des fonctionnalités Dorm Inspector

Dorm Floor
L'appli Dorm Floor
Fonctionne hors ligne 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Appli disponible en plusieurs langues 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Synchronisation et sauvegarde 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Smartphones Android & Apple 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Tablettes Android & Apple 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Réalisation des inspections Dorm Floor
Accès à toutes les parties de l’immeuble 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Inspections d’unités 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Inspections à l'entrée et à la sortie 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Inspections intermédiaires 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Accès par utilisateur limité à 1 étage et 1 bâtiment - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Inspection des parties communes 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Contrôle de santé, sécurité et sûreté 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Recevez une liste pratique des inspections à venir 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Notation de constats (dégâts) 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Créer et attribuer des bons de travaux 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Attribuer des missions à vos équipes 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Chiffrer les dégâts (tableaux de tarifs) 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Ajouter des photos illimitées par pièce, constat,... 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Accès aux infos des residents (dans l’appli) 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Envoyer des e-mails aux residents 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Gestion de constats concernant la vie quotidienne et des amendes 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Enregistrer des amendes et des avertissements 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Enregistrer des contrats 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Gérer la structure de l’immeuble 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Signature dans l'appli 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Envoi de rapports automatique Opt. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Manager Dorm Floor
Accès au Manager 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Multi-utilisateur 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Gestion de vos immeubles 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Gestion des paramètres de notification 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Gérer les périodes de location par défaut 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Gérer les amendes et frais par défaut 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Editer les modèles de courriels et clauses 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Gestion d'utilisateur 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Gestion d'accès et des rôles 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Gestion des informations sur les residents (étudiants et locataires) 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Gestion des contrats et disponibilités des chambres 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Créer de nouveaux contrats 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Outils de reservation 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Création et gestion d’équipes d’intervention 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Notation et traitement de constats 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Attribuer des constats à vos équipes 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Vue d'ensemble de l'entretien 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Gestion des bons de travaux d’entretien 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Suivi du statut d’entretien 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Accès à l’API 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Exportation et importation des données (contrats, amendes et constats) 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Registre des courriels 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Rapports Dorm Floor
Rapports au format PDF 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Personnalisation du style et mise en page 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Support Dorm Floor
Support en ligne 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Responsable client personnel 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Support téléphonique 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Tarifs et facturation Dorm Floor
Prix par utilisateur de l’appli (annuel) €60 €30
Prix par lit (annuel) €5 €5
Prix par organisation (annuel) €600 €600

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