The Integral Building Information System – Ibis for short – is the name of the software developed for all parties involved in construction and civil engineering projects by the engineers, civil technicians and IT experts of Brink Group.

This software can be used throughout the entire lifecycle of buildings, artworks and infrastructure.

Ibis is open and therefore easy to integrate with other design, administrative or ERP software solutions.

For more than thirty years, architects, consultants, contractors, construction companies, governments, project developers and housing corporations have been using Ibis software. They use it on a daily basis for the assessment, calculation, budgeting, planning and administration of their construction and infrastructure projects. Furthermore, Ibis is used by a growing number of real estate managers to budget and plan their multi-year maintenance (MJOP).

Create your test account

Follow the steps to create your free test account. Once created, you will receive an email with directions for accessing your account.

We need to know this for legal reasons.

Choose a product

Select the product(s) you would like to test

Please note: in Belgium and Luxembourg the Rental Inspector is only available to social housing companies, governments and organizations that own property. It cannot be sold to real estate agents, surveyors and other real estate experts.

Add-on selected, please combine with another product.

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User details

Vital information required to set up your user account

This is the email address you will use to log in to your account.

This email address has already started a trial, sign in here.

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Company Details

Some finishing details required to wrap-up account creation

This is the country your business is registered and operates in.

To change country

The previous email address was for the user (eg sarah@business.com), the email address required here is for the business itself (eg info@business.com).

This email address has already started a trial, sign in here.

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Your test account has been created, check your email for the activation link.


There was a problem creating your account. Please try again. If the problem persists please contact support@chapps.com

Download the app

The registration for your selected product is done in-app. Scan the QR code to download the app and continue.

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