
BRIXXonline is a property management software for the administrative, legal and financial management of commercial real estate.

The system is extremely suitable for small and large scale property management firms. By using BRIXXonline you get your real estate portfolio in order and keep it in order. All real estate data and documents are stored centrally and can be reached online anytime, anywhere. Complete insight into and an overview of the property portfolio is obtained at the touch of a button. Payments are processed automatically and payment reminders are sent automatically. Billing and drafting rental agreements have never been easier.

Communication with tenants is also a breeze. Tenants simply log in to BRIXXonline, where they can digitally sign agreements and view invoices. Through linking with Chapps, the inspection reports from Chapps Rental Inspector are easily loaded into BRIXXonline. These inspection reports are then linked to the correct real estate objects in BRIXX online.

Do you want more information about the possibilities within BRIXXonline and the connection with Chapps?

Schedule a demo via our website from call to 088 00 66 100 from directly to Jurjen van Bunning 06 – 22169384.

Create your test account

Follow the steps to create your free test account. Once created, you will receive an email with directions for accessing your account.

We need to know this for legal reasons.

Choose a product

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Please note that in Belgium and Luxembourg, the Rental Inspector is only available to social housing companies, public authorities and organisations that rent out their own properties. The Rental Inspector is therefore not available to property agents, surveyors or other real estate experts.

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User details

Vital information required to set up your user account

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Company Details

Some finishing details required to wrap-up account creation

This is the country your business is registered and operates in.

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The previous email address was for the user (eg, the email address required here is for the business itself (eg

This email address has already started a trial, sign in here.

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Download the app

The registration for your selected product is done in-app. Scan the QR code to download the app and continue.

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