Functielijst Rental Inspector

Lite Pro Premium
De App Lite Pro Premium
Android & iOS tablets ondersteuning 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Werkt offline 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Meertalig 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Synchronisatie & backup optional 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Uitvoeren van opdrachten Lite Pro Premium
Aantal objecten max. 10
Opeenvolgende inspecties 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Asymmetrische inspecties 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Voorbereid met praktische checklists 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
On-the-go checklists aanpassen 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Maak vaststellingen 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Samenvattingsoverzicht 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Voorbereide checklists voor de meestvoorkomende meubilering - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Onderdelen & sub-elementen - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Maak foto's per element, vaststelling,.... max. 2 max. 6 max. 6
Maak schetsen 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Maak notities op foto's - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Kopieer-plak-dupliceer 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Gebruik-als-standaard - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Referentie objecten - - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Digitale handtekening (in-app) 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Automatische mailing van PDF rapporten 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Voorbeeld rapport - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Voorstel tot regeling - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Registreer overnamelijsten - - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Maak gebruik van prijzenboeken - - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Werkopdrachten toekennen - - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Manager Lite Pro Premium
Toegang tot de Manager - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Meerdere gebruikers - max. 3
API toegang - beperkt 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Aanpassen standaard checklists - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Maintenance Web-App - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Planning & opvolg tools - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Probleemoplossing - - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Kwaliteit- & efficiëntie controle - - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Prijzenboeken voor hertarieven - - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Rapporten Lite Pro Premium
Digitale PDF rapporten 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Volledige rapport 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Aandachtslijst 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Job list 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Nabewerking - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Personaliseren - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Overnamelijst - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Bevestigingsprocedure - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Huurderswijzigingen rapport - - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Support Lite Pro Premium
Online support - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Toegewezen account manager - - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Hotline support - - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.
Betalingen & Tarieven Lite Pro Premium
Pre-paid 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool. -
Post-paid - - 783B2FD4-0667-43CD-9CF1-2A52660FA7F7 Created with sketchtool.

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Kies de toepassingen die je wil testen

Please note: in Belgium and Luxembourg the Rental Inspector is only available to social housing companies, governments and organizations that own property. It cannot be sold to real estate agents, surveyors and other real estate experts.

Je hebt een optie gekozen, die je dient te combineren met een hoofdproduct.

Geen proefperiode beschikbaar

Voor jouw land is er geen proefversie beschikbaar.

Jouw gegevens

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Op dit e-mailadres is er al een account actief, meld je hier aan.

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Voer hier de gegevens van je organisatie in

Dit is het land waar je bedrijf haar maatschappelijke zetel heeft en actief is.

Om het land te wijzigen

Het vorige e-mailadres was voor de gebruiker (bijv., het e-mailadres dat hier nodig is, is het algemene e-mailadres van het bedrijf (bijv.

Op dit e-mailadres is er al een account actief, meld je hier aan.

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Bedankt. Je hebt zonet een e-mail ontvangen met een link om je testaccount te activeren.

Je kan dit venster nu sluiten.


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De registrering voor dit product gaat verder in de app. Scan de QR-code met je mobiel toestel om verder te gaan.

Land Selecteer het land waar je bedrijf actief is.
  • Land niet gevonden

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